STEWART: Mr De Rooy, what did you have for breakfast?
DEROOY: [smiling sheepishly] ummmmmm. . . . . I can't recall.
STEWART: Ceratinly Mr De Rooy you had some sort of breakfast before appearing at this royal commission?
DEROOY: I didn't have time.
STEWART: You are telling us you did not have time for breakfast.
DEROOY: [turning red] ummmmmmmmmmm.. . . . Perhaps I did have something for breakfast, but I do not recall what.
STEWART: Scrambled eggs?
STEWART: Yogurt?
STEWART: Perhaps a cup of coffee?
DEROOY: I don't recall a cup of coffee.
STEWART: A bowl of Wheaties breakfast cereal?
DEROOY: Yes! Yes! That is what I had. It's the Breakfast of Champions!